Minimalism, in my understanding of it, is getting rid of everything that doesn’t make you happy, by doing so, you can focus on the things that do make you happy. You’ll be surprise how clear and focus you can be, when you don’t have any unnecessary clutter around you.
Like previously mentioned, without clutter surrounding you, you’re more focused on what’s important, whether that be your life, your job, your hobby, anyone of these benefits from having a clutter free environment.
Nope. I believe that Minimalism is completely subjective, as you decide what is important and what isn’t.
Not at all. Though some could argue that the only true minimalist are the monks that live in seclusion, there are other forms of minimalism. Like previously mentioned, Minimalism is completely up to the person, therefore, how much, or little, one has is completely up to them.
Other than sentimental items, don’t be afraid to get rid of things you don’t use. If you really get rid of something that you desperately need, then that item can bought again.
Becoming a minimalist is easy, all one needs is the drive and commitment to become one. Take a look at the Getting Started page for some quick tips on getting started.
The Minimalists FAQ
Minimalist FAQ
Minimalism FAQ
Made by Guillermo E. Burgos
for ENGL307T Digital Writing
Old Dominion University