Matt D’Avella is an independent film maker, a YouTuber, and a minimalist. On his YouTube channel, Matt makes videos about minimalism and how he lives his life as a minimalist. These videos range from how to get started, to managing finances, to how he lives simply, to some challenges that he encourages his aduience to do.Through these videos, and the occasional podcasts, people who are interested in learning more about minimalism can see how minimalism affects a person's personal life. Learn more at his YouTube channel: Matt D'Avella YouTube Channel
Joshua Field Millburn was born in 1981 in Dayton, Ohio. He grew up in a relatively poor family. At 18, he skipped college and got a job at a corporate office. Afterwards, he spent the next decade climbing the corporate ladder. After a while, he began earning a 6 figure job. However, late 2009, after his mother died and his marriage ended in the same month, he discorvered minimalism. In 2011, he quit his job to focus on his passion, writing. Then, in 2017, he, and his family, moved to LA, to tell his story. He and Ryan make up the Minimalists. Learn more about Joshua at his YouTube channel: Joshua Field YouTube Channel and his website: The Minimalists Website
Ryan Nicodemus was born in 1981 in Knoxville, Tennessee. He grew up in a dysfunctional home, but was able to get into the corporate world. He was later laid off. However, he took that oppurtunity to focus on a more meaningful life as a minimalist. His passion is mentoring people. He puts the experience he learned in the corporate world, into helping people get unstuck in their personal life. He and Joshua make up the Minimalists, with Ryan being the more social part of the duo. Learn more about Joshua at his YouTube channel: Ryan Nicodemus YouTube Channel and his website: The Minimalists Website
Made by Guillermo E. Burgos
for ENGL307T Digital Writing
Old Dominion University